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Showing posts from 2014

Resipi Noxxa: Asam Pedas Ayam

Assalamualaikum... Here I am again....Alhamdulillah the highest gratitude to the Most Merciful Allah. Hari ni nak berkongsi hasil tanganku, yang pertama kali dimasak. First time in my kitchen. The idea to cook this came when a friend of mine, sis Zarina Zainol distributed her homegrown 'bunga kantan'. Bunga kantan is quite expensive nowadays pricing ata RM3 per bud at average. When someone gave it for free, it's a great oppprtunity to turn it into something edible. A modified but copy and paste from Cik Mat Gebu's What is required 5 ketul ayam 2 sudu besar cili kisar (I precooked my chilli paste) 1 batang serai, diketuk 1 genggam daun kesom 1 kuntum bunga kantan, belah 2 1 camca teh asam jawa 2 biji terung ungu, kerat 2, belah 2 setiap keratan, rendam 1 biji tomato dibelah 4 Garam dan gula secukup rasa Air secukupnya Frying 1 ulas bawang merah 2 ulas bawang putih 1/2 inci kunyit hidup 1/2 inci halia 1/2 camca...

Roti Sarang Lebah

Assalamualaikum all .... Chef amatur empunya ruang tapak ni selalu ketinggalan. Orang lain dah ramai yang buat, sampai basi, barulah resipi nak samapi ke dapurku. It's ok the saying says ..."better late than never" ... the Roti Sarang Lebah finally reaches my kitchen. Buat sekali tak cukup. Dah dua kali membuatnya. Yes.. it is so soft and fluffy. I made twice. Once for us to enjoy it at home. And the second time for Sabrina and Hakim to bring it back to their hostels. The recipe is a copy and paste from izahdaut  (with some modification in the text). resepi: Lydia Honey DOH 2 cawan tepung gandum * I used the bread flour 1/2 Sudu teh dry yeast 1/4 Sudu teh garam ½ sudu teh baking powder 1 sudu besar gula pasir ¼ cawan plain yogurt, suhu bilik * I mixed yogurt and buttermilk with equal amount each ¼ cawan minyak sun flower 1/2 cawan air suam +- **Almond flakes, pumpkin seeds n butterscotch jika suka Larutkan yeast dan gula dalam air suam dan biarkan ...

Nasi Lemak Noxxa

Assalamualaikum Selamat bersarapan semua. Ini sarapan kami seisi keluarga di pagi hari Selasa ni.  Alhamdulillah ... syukur dengan segala nikmat yang Allah kurniakan. Nikmat rezeki, nikmat kasih sayang, nikmat masa, nikmat selera dan nikmat makan. Nikmat rezeki - akhirnya aku memiliki periuk Noxxa (dulu rasa tak penting tapi kempen kuat dari kawan dan adik beradik telah menggeletek hatiku untuk membelinya) Nilmat kasih sayang - kak yan, kakakku telah membelikannya denga harga yang berpatutan Nikmat masa - dalam kesempatan terhad, sempat aku menyiapkannya untuk seisi keluarga sebelum keluar bekerja Nikmat selera - nikmat yang sering kita lupakan kerana ramai di luar sana yang tidak berselera untuk makan walaupun punya wang berjuta ringgit dan boleh memilih makanan terenak di dunia tetapi telah Allah tarik nikmat selera ini.  Nikmat makan - Ada juga yang berselera tapi Allah tarik nikmat makan, tidak boleh makan kerana kekangan pelbagai penyakit. Jadi ......

Cekodok Pisalabu

Assalamualaikum.... Hari ni nak kongsi something my mom created and I follow ...... Cekodok Pisalabu is actually a combination of " PISA ng + LABU ".... mashed together and becomes cekodok. It is a sweet tooth kuih dan you can enjoy in the morning or evening as you like. When Mak first made it, we were playing the guessing game ... is it a cekodok pisang or cekodok labu .....? It has equal taste. To make it: 2 ripe bananas A quater of one big pumpkin - boil to tender 2 tbsp sugar Approx 1 cup multipurpose flour (depends on the water content of your banana and pumpkin) A pinch of salt Making it: 1. Mash the banana and pumpkin together. 2. Add sugar and flour. Combine. 3. Deep fry one table spoonful of the mix for each scoop till brownish. Turning around consistently. 4. Remove from oil onto the kitchen towel to remove the excessive oil. 5. It's ready to be eaten. You can serve this for dinner or breakfast. Note: Try only a few scoops for the fi...

Congo Bar

Assalamualaikum... Alhamdulillah ... I finally made the most mentioned about 'Congo Bar'. Every comments that I heard or read saying that it is easy to make. I really wanted to put my hand into it. Finally with Atikah's (my eldest) help, we finally made it. And .... yes! It is so simple to make and very smooth and fast process. Let's do it. Resipi asal: Azlita Masam Manis My ingredients 2 3/4 cups multipurpose flour 1 3/4 cups brown sugar (the original recipe calls for 320gm, but I reduced it) 150gm butter (room temperature) 3 eggs 2 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 250gm chocolate chips (I did not measure, it depends on how many you like it) Any kinds of tree nuts (almond, hazel, walnut) Making it. 1. Whisk the butter and sugar together till the butter blend. 2. Add egg one by one. 3. In another bowl, prepare the dry ingredients. Sift multipurpose flour, baking powder and salt together. 4. Add the dry ingredi...

Gulai Udang dan Kacang Buncis

Assalamualaykum all.... Hari ni nak share one of my favorite dish... that's GULAI UDANG AND KACANG BUNCIS. Kalau di sebelah utara semenanjung Malaysia, that is Seberang Perai and Kedah (that I know of, not sure about Perlis) Gulai udang ni sedap juga dimakan dengan nasi lemak disamping sambal ikan bilis. Kata orang utagha... "boh kuah licau-licau tu" .... mmm...bila makan boleh lupa nak tengok orang lalu lalang, tambah pulak nasi panas dan ada pulak tenggiri masam goreng.... ermmm... meletup!!!! Kesedapannya... mau berpeluh pagi-pagi. Itulah peri sedapnya masakan ni. But again.... only for those who really likes it like myself. Other members of the family? Mr Hubby? ... 'ok... lama dah tak makan. '. Atikah? ...'i dont like it'. Sabrina and Hakim? I wish they were here. The preparation time : approx 30 -40 mins My ingredients: 8 prawns - de-vein 1 large onion 2 tbsp curry powder 1 potato 5 french beans 1 cup coconut milk (i used...

Malaya Homemade Coney

Assalamualaykum.... It's dinner time...... As always my mind was working very hard trying to think what should come to the dining table. Rice? No. No. Not rice for today. What now? I virtually go into my fridge trying to scram through it to find anything cookable for tonight. I remembered buying some corn. Boiled corn would be nice. But what should I pair it with? Virtually opening the freezer, I remember buying some fresh meat. Yup.... a homemade burger would be nice.  However, a physical visit at a mini market near my house trying to get the burger buns is to no avail. No burger buns. I later opted for some hotdog buns. What to do with it?? Off course some coney dogs ... but Malaysian style and taste. My recipe for the coney sauce: About 300gms meat - minced 1 onion - chopped 1 tomato - diced 2 tbsp tomato ketchup 1 tbsp mustard Pepper Salt & sugar 1. Fry the meat. 2. Add chopped onion and diced tomato. Cook till everything is cooked and tende...

Buttered Chicken

Assalamualaykum all, Hari ni nak share resipi suatu hari yang sangat malas... It was Saturday, I was not feeling very well. Mr Hubby is out for kenduri, meaning that he will not be home for lunch. It was just me and Atikah. I wondered what to have for lunch. The chicken was already thawed, but I still hasn't have any idea .... Arhg.... Aha! I will the easiest of it. I am going to give a good butter massage to the chicken , rub in salt , pepper , McCormick Mixed Herbs and some oregano . Left it for about 5 minutes while reheating the the airfryer. I lay the aluminium foil on the fryer basket. Placed the chicken and get it cooked for about 25 minutes in 180 degree temperature. Once cooked, I squeezed the fresh lemon . Alhamdulillah... it turns out to be very delicious. When Atikah asked whats the name of the dish ....??? .... what should I call it? I called it 'Buttered Chicken'. The idea to rub the chicken with butter because frying with airfr...

Buttermilk Waffle and Flooded Peanut Butter

Assalamualaykum Morning all.... Have you had your breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it gives energy for you to begin your day. So, get a healthy and hearty breakfast. I had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (from one orange) and waffle this morning. It is a quick and simple mix. Whisk in a bliss!!!! ☺ Mind the burnt, I left it a little too long while squeezing the orange juice for two glasses (for Mr Hubby and me). I love the taste of peanut butter that I had it flooded on the waffle ... hmmm .... yummy. Prep Time: 20 minutes The ingredients: 1 1/2 cup multipurpose flour* 1 tsp baking powder* A pinch of salt* 2 tbsp buttermilk 2 cups fresh milk 1 egg beaten 1 tbsp vege oil A drop of vanilla extract How to: Put all the dry ingredients (*) in a bowl. Mix well. Make a well and add buttermilk and fresh milk. Add egg. Use the whisk to mix all the ingredient till blend. Add oil and vanilla extract. Mix aga...

Bergedil ayam daun cekur

Assalamualaikum, Terasa macam nak makan bergedil. Kalau makan di kedai makan/ restoran, harganya boleh tahan mahalnya. Yup... the making may not sound so simple. It requires few steps. But the results... insha Allah ... satisfying. Chicken breast is not a favourite in the house. Nobody would want to eat the most healthiest part of the chicken (to me .. hihihi). Most of the time, the chicken breast will turn to be used as condimetns in fried rice, mee or kuetiao, or even for spaghetti sauce. Making 'bergedil' out of the chicken breast is a good solution. I dug my fridge, trying to find enough ingredients to make 'bergedil' ... one item is missing ... the cilantro. Cilantro will give flavors to the 'bergedil'. My cognitive skills quickly recommended another flavor --- the Cekur. And went to my tiny herb garden and dug some cekur out of a pot. Cekur or some people may call it kenchur is from the ginger family. The scientific name for it is ...

Egg quiche .... again

French Toast with banana

Assalamualaikum all... Selalu sangat bersarapan dengan roti. Kalau asyik dengan cara yang serupa, boleh jadi jemu dan muak. Jadi chef kat rumah ni perlulah berkreatif atau pinjam kreativit kawan/rakan/blogger masakan  untuk menjadikan hidangan tersebut menarik dimakan. But, I am just a part time blogger. Doing it for fun. So that I could come back to the page and check on the recipe, as the name of the blog implies --- my-recipies-collection . Hari ni chef kurang matang ni mencuba menggabungkan pisang dan roti telur. Chef-chef professional dah ramai yang buat. But I am making it for this hypothesis: H1: Mr Hubby likes the banana french toast Ho: Mr Hubby does not like the banana french toast (Amboi ... dah macam buat research le pulak .. ye lah .. cikgu Research Method, kena la praktikkan ilmu). Bahannya : Sama seperti membuat french toast, kita perlukan roti, telur 2 biji, fresh milk, garam, cinnamon powder, pisang Caranya: Aturkan pisang ...

Here comes Churros...

Assalamualaikum My Churros I have been longing to try the churros. Alhamdulillah, with Atikah's (my eldest) help, I finally had the opportunity to make it in our home kitchen. The process was pretty simple. With a simple instruction, Atikah managed to do it on her own. Here come the c&p recipe that I used. Its taken from the Allrecipe website. It is such a help. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup water 2 1/2 tablespoons white sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 cup all-purpose flour 2 quarts oil for frying 1/2 cup white sugar, or to taste 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon DIRECTIONS: 1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine water, 2 1/2 tablespoons sugar, salt and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Stir in flour until mixture forms a ball. 2. Heat oil for frying in deep-fryer or deep skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Pipe strips of dough into hot oil using a pastry bag. Fry until golden; drain...

Meehoon Sempoi

Assalamualaikum.... Anak tekak dan selera ni memang menghairankan. Ada kalanya kita 'crave', nak sangat-sangat makan sesuatu. Dan kadang-kadang pula kita 'really dislike' makanan tersebut. Dan bila selera terbuka, selera menghubungkannya dengan otak yang seterusnya menggerakkan kakitangan sehinggakan dalam keadaan letihpun kita masih manpu menyiapkan juadah yang diidam (only applies if we know how to make it). Aku teringin makan meehoon. Hari dah malam. Aku buka petiais in searching for anything to add to the flavor..... there's only chicken. Well..... chicken will do. My ultimate is 'makan meehoon'. Bahan2: 1/2 paket meehoon (direndam) 1 bawang besar 3 ulas bawang putih 1 sudu besar cili kisar Isi ayam Tomato sos (secukup rasa) Garam gula (secukup rasa) Cara: 1. Tumis bawang hingga kekuningan, masukkan isi ayam. Biarkan ia masak. 2. Masukkan cili kisar, tomato sos dan garam. Biarkan semua bahan masak. Tambah air jika perlu. 3...

Savoury French Toast

Assalamualaykum and good day all, One nice thing about cooking your own meal is that you can prepare it to suit your taste buds. You can make it savoury, spicy, sweet or sour, just the way you like it. The original french toast is eaten with golden syrup or honey. Being a Malay origin, I'd prefer mine to be slightly savoury, which is not suitable to be eaten with honey or alike. By definition, savoury or savory is having a spicy or salty quality without being sweet (definition by Online Merrriam Webster Dictionary). And that is how I like my french toast to taste.  To make it: 6 slices of sandwich bread *2 egss beaten *1 onion - sliced *Salt and pepper How to: 1. Heat the non-stick griddle  2. Mixed all the ingredient in a bowl 3. Apply butter slightly on both side of the bread 4. Dip the bread into the egg mixture 5. Toast on the griddle till brown on both sides It makes a perfect breakfast. Alhamdulillah .....

Masak Lemak Cili Api Telur Masin

Assalamualaikum Kata orang, "Rezeki jangan Ditolak". Itulah ibarat apa yang terjadi. I have longed hoping to eat this masak lemak cili api but the belimbing buluh seems nowehere to be found. Not always at the market, and the tree outside my house is considered barren.  Coming for kuliah subuh at the surau on Sunday morning, is where the 'rezeki' lies. Alhamdulillah. But... I do not have the suitable fish for the dish. As an alternative, the sailted egg will do. Apa yang kita perlukan:  1 telur masin (for single serving)  1 batang serai (dititik) 1 inci kunyit 10 biji cili api Segenggam belimbing buluh Santan Garam secukup rasa 1. Kisar cili dan kunyit. 2. Masukkan bahan blend ke dalam periuk bersama serai yang dititik. 3. Masukkan 2 -3 biji belimbing buluh untuk mengeluarkan rasa masanya. 4. Masa sehingga cili dan kunyit masak. masukkan sedikit air. 5. Masukkan telur masin yang dipecahkan. Biarkan dia mengeras. 6. Masukkan sa...

Pais ikan Air Tangan Mak

Alhamdulillah ...Seronoknya dapat makan air tangan mak.... Berjasalah dengan ibu selagi hayatnya masih ada. Bahagiakanlah dia. Dia telah bersusah payah menjadikan kita insan berjaya di hari ini. Jangan di kala kita di puncak kejayaan, ibu dilupa, ibu dipinggir. Dalam kesibukan tuntutan kerja, celahkan ruang untuk gembirankannya. Penuhi tuntutannya sedaya mungkin. Anak perempuan yang solehah membawa ibubapanya ke syurga tatkala taatnya pada suami. Suami yang soleh pasti akan menyantuni ibubapa yang telah membesarkan isterinya dengan sempurna.... Begitulah .... harapan kita. Ok, enough with the melodrama...Now for the recipe (made by mak, noted by myself) Pais Ikan Air Tangan Mak Resipi Pais Ikan Ikan yang dibersihkan (biasanya ikan2 yang kecil supaya cepat masak) *1 cawan kelapa putih *2 biji cili merah *1 bawang besar *1 batang serai dihiris Asam jawa Garam Daun pisang untuk membalut How to: - Kisar kesemua bahan hingga halus - Gaulkan...


Alhamdulillah.... sedapnya dapat makan air tangan mak. Especially when you come back from a day's work and find that it is readily served.  Serabai .... bukan selalu dapat makan serabai ni. Cannot easily find in just any restaurant. In fact I do not know any restaurant that are selling serabai but I am sure there are. Making serabai mak's style requires few tedious steps, however, the outcome is deliciously amazing.... at least to my taste buds. First we need to make the 'tapai', as mak call it, it must be done at least a day earlier. Next, to prepare the batter and let it sit. Then only to cook it. The recipe: This recipe requires 'tapaian nasi' 1 cawan nasi 1 sudu kecil ragi Caranya: Taburkan ragi di atas nasi. Percikkan air ke atas nasi. Masukkan dalam bekas kedap udara dan biarkan proses penapaian berlaku selama 1 malam (24 jam ). Bahan serabai: 2 1/2 cawan tepung beras 1/2 cawan tepung gandum 2 cawan santan pekat 1/2 bancuh...

Ready to go breakfast: Omellete and Baked beans

Assalamulaikum all, At times we are too busy to prepare a breakfast (it is ALWAYS for me) .... but do not feel like having a breakfast outside the house. A fast and simple solution is to bash some eggs into something edible, tasty and healthy. The omellete could just be the answer. My ready to go breakfast With 2 eggs, 1 diced tomato, 1 diced button mushroom, a slice of diced capsicum, 2 table spoon of fresh milk, salt and pepper will do just fine with my husband's appetite. You may add cheese if your are fond of it. But not in my case. Heat the small pan while you mix everything together. Melt a table spoon of butter. Than pour the mixture into the heated melted butter. Let it spread evenly onto the small pan, as it started to hardened, use the spatula to roll the egg to the side on the pan gently. And serve. I like to have my omellete with baked beans .... you can pair it with others ..... bon appetite ..... Wallahualam.

Quiche again

Assalamualaikum. Simple quiche for a light dinner tonight. We had enough of the heavyweight meal for the day and thinking of something lighter for dinner. I quickly set the oven to 175°C. Took out 3 eggs. Some fresh milk. About 1 tablespoon of buttermilk. Some thinly sliced cabbage. And some diced capsicums. I quickly get the eggs beaten. Add the milk and buttermilk. Continue mix the mixture. Add cabbage and capsicum (two colours). Finally, add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. I pour the batter into the non-stick muffin tray. Half the mold each. And bake in the heated oven for about 15 minutes. Whalla.... dinner is ready.

Salted Egg Crab aka. Ketam telur masin

Assalamualaikum... Alhamdulillah... i am back. Yup. True. Have not been posted any updates for quite sometime... no reasons. It is just because .... However, i am currently feeling at the top when i managed to successfully prepare the much likeable (at least by us) The Salted Egg Crab. First tried the dish at Adam Lai in  Shah Alam and we immediately fell in love with the taste. But... as we aware, eating crab at a restaurant does not gives us the pleasure of sucking everything to the last bit which makes us think twice to order it again. Able to cook it at home satisfies me....  My Salted Egg Crab Enough with the crap, now back to the recipe. Thanks to net technology, the recipe is found through various cooking blogs.. thanks to all. Ingredients (I) 2 crabs - halved and cleaned Corn starch Salt and pepper Frying oil We begin preparing the crab. Coat the crab with the corn starch, salt and pepper. The fry to cook. Cooled. (II) 2 salted e...

Nasi Arab Haji Azwan Olahan Ust Ahmad Husni

Assalamualaikum.... Apa khabar semua? Amacam? Panjang tak nama resepiku hari ni. Hihi... nama resipi istimewa sebab tukang masak istimewa.... and definitely its not me. Mr Big Boss suddenly had this dire desire to cook the nasi Arab for the family on his day off. Well, Alhamdulillah.. I am going to just wash hand and ready to say Bismillah to eat. But...... the reality .... it does not come easy. We came back from some small transaction in Sg Buluh at 11.30am, Mr Hubby insisted that there is enough time to cook the Nasi Arab before leaving to the surau for Jumaat Solah. Mr Hubby instructed me to get the ingredients ready and I ordered my sous chef to hit on it. Nasi Arab Hj Azwan Here goes the recipe: 3 large Onions* 3 cloves Garlic* Ginger* Blend the (*) ingredients Bahan tumis: Tiga serangkai untuk menumis. Lebihkan buah pelaga. 1 sudu rempah kurma Addition: Yogurt dan saffron Air secukupnya Beras basmathi yang telah dicuci To c...

Special Wholemeal Coconut Pancake with Chive

Assalamualaikum ... Suddenly I'm craving for coconut pancake on this rainy and cold evening. But I have limited opened stock of multipurpose flour and plenty of wholemeal flour. And the rain showered my herbs garden give life to my chives in the pot. Sound like a good combination to me ....Therefore, let's make an innovation. My wholemeal coconut pancake But what is there in Chive? Found this from a google search: Allicin  A content in chive which is also found in garlic and onions. Allicin might lower cholestrol and blood pressure and improves heart particularly. Allicin aids in cholestrol management by reducing the LDL levels and increasing the HDL levels. It might cut down the blood pressure and prevent blood clot. Antioxidant Chives might also helip in the fight against cancer because they contain antioxidants that help destroy free radicals and discourage the growth of cancerous cells and tumours. Wealth of Nutrients A tbsp of ...