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Showing posts from 2008
APPLE BUNS Source: mamafami.fotopages Basic Sweet Bun Dough Ingredients : (A) 480g bread flour 120g plain flour 110g sugar 10g salt 20g milk powder 4 teaspoons instant yeast (B) 1 Egg 300ml cold water (C) 60g butter Method : 1. Mix (A) till well blended 2. Add (B) and knead to form a dough 3. Add (C), continue to knead to form a smooth and elastic dough. 4. Cover dough with clear film. Let it prove for 50 - 60 minutes, or till it doubles its size. 5. Use finger and press into the dough. It should show a clear finger tip mark, but the dough should not sink. Now it's ready to use. Apple Filling (A) 400g green apples (Granny Smith), cut into cubes/thin slices 150g sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 110 ml water 1 tablespoon lemon juice (B) 40g cornflour 40ml water (C) 20g butter To prepare the filling : 1. Cook (A) till boiling. 2. Add the premixed (B) and continue to cook till mixture thickens. 3. Remove from the heat and add (C). Mix till well blended and leave to cool. Step by step how to sh...
POTATO BREAD Source: Ingredients : (A) 600g bread flour 70g sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 1/2 tablespoons milk powder 4 teaspoons instant yeast (B) 1 egg 270ml cold water (c) 120g mashed potato* 60g butter (D) Custard *Mashed potato that I used are just peeled potatos that you boil till soft and then mashed. It's not the ready made in powder form. Method : 1. Mix (A) till well blended. Add (B) and knead to form a dough. 2. Add (C), continue to knead to form a smooth and elastic dough. 3. Make the dough into a ball. Put in a bowl and cover with clear film. Put in a warm place to prove for 45 minutes. 4. Mould the dough into a balll and leave it to rest for a further 15 minutes. 5. Divide the dough into several 30g pieces. Mould them into balls and put them on a greased 23cm square baking pan, 16 pieces per pan. Makes 2 pans. 6. Cover and leave to prove for 40 minutes or till twice the size. 7. Brush with egg wash and pipe the custard to m...
KEK COKLAT KUKUS Sourse: BADARIAH (dari 2 cwn tepung gandum 1 cwn serbuk koko ( saya selalu pakai Van Houten ) 1 sudu teh baking powder 1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat 2 biji telur (Gred A) 1 cwn gula pasir 1 cwn susu pekat manis 1 cwn minyak masak (nak sedap lagi gunalah minyak Mazola) 1 cwn air panas - ayak bersama tepung gandum, soda, baking powder dan serbuk koko. - satu bekas lain pukul telur, minyak, susu dan gula bagi sebati ( tak payah pakai mixer ) - masukkan tepung yang diayak tadi, kacau sebati lagi - last sekali masukkan air panas dan kacau sebati lagi. - adunan ready utk dikukus. Kukus selama 1 jam. Selalunya... Utk topping, saya buat camnie:- (masak double boil tau) 1/2 ketul buttercup 1/2 cwn serbuk koko 1/2 cwn susu pekat

My new Blog

Satu blog pun tak ter'update', dah nak start another blog. Well, this blog is different. This will be a place where I place all my collections of recipies. Senang sikit nak capai. Kat rumah pun boleh. Sekarang ni, collection ni ada di komputer pejabat, nak masak kena print dan bawa balik. Tapi kalau ada dalam web ni, senang sikit. Kat hand phone pun boleh access. Cuma kena belajar 'mechanisme to group the content' supaya lebih mudah mencari resepi.